Thursday, January 11, 2007

Christmas package finally made its way to my tiny town...

So I got this Amazing Christmas package from home yesterday. I was so excited. In it there was so much candy and good stuff. Like the hand-held texas hold'em video game, which will make traveling on buses much more enjoyable. My parents are so smart, didnt even think to ask for something like that. I also got a 2 foot long pepperoni...mmmm...that will be delicous. Oh, and I got the new Sublime "everything under the sun" box set from my sister, which is full of rare sublime songs. So I'll be happy for atleast a few months with these new toys.

On a less happy note, I got another present. At first I was excited, the new Steven King book. I've never really read any Steven King, so I figured this is a good time to start. I got about 4 pages into the book until I realized it is about zombies. Uh oh, it's time for an embarrasing admission. I'm deathly and irrationally afraid of Zombies! For some people its spiders or snakes or clowns, but for me its something even sillier, something impossible (atleast I hope for my sake it's impossible). But yeah, I had so much trouble falling asleep last night because I kept thinking about some zombie breaking through my window and chowing on my skull as I lay there sleeping. Every sound I heard was an undead person on their way for my brains. Even the donkies sounded like zombies to me last night.

Yeah, I'm an idiot...

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